About Me

I am a maître de conférences (=assistant professor) at Mines Saint-Etienne. I am a member of the Intitut Henri Fayol (IHF). Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher, working in the MULTISPEECH team, in collaboration with Antoine Deleforge. Even before, I was a Ph.D. student in mathematics at Aix-Marseille University under the supervision of Caroline Chaux, Valentin Emiya and Bruno Torrésani.

Research Interests

My research is in the field of audio signal processing, convex optimization and machine learning. More precisely, I developed efficient methods for restoring missing data, with a particular focus on phase reconstruction in the time-frequency domain, which is an important issue in many applications to digital audio signals. The amplitudes (spectrograms) are relatively simple to manipulate, but the phases pose specific and difficult problems. A prototypical example is the separation of audio sources. Most time-frequency approaches rely on a segmentation of the time-frequency plane, each region being associated with a "source", followed by partial syntheses of these sources from the time-frequency transform restricted to these regions. I developed a phase reconstruction procedure. The fields of applications include the restoration of old recordings or many aspects involving sound analysis and synthesis.


All my publications are available on Hal.


Mines Saint-Etienne

  • SVM for classification
  • Optimization
  • Signal processing and time series
  • Numericals methods

Aix-Marseille University

Lecture classes and practical exercises 2021-2022:
  • Master Signal and Image Processing (M1): Mathematics for signals and images.
  • Gate 2 Marie Curie (L1): Linear Algebra

Lecture classes and practical exercises from 2017 to 2020:
  • Master Signal and Image Processing (M1): Mathematics for signals and images.
  • Master Computer Science (M1): Introduction to Data Science
  • Engineering Schools Polytech (PeiP): Linear Algebra.
  • Bachelor of Biology (L2): Statistics and Probabilities


  • Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics: Aix-Marseille University, France. 2017-2021
  • Master's Degree: in Mathematics specialized in Computer Science, Statistics, Signal, Health Aix-Marseille University, France. 2016-2017
  • Master's Degree: in applied Mathematics specialized in Probabilities and Statistics International University of Applied Sciences and Technologies, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. 2013-2015
  • Bachelor's degree: in applied Mathematics specialized in Probabilities and Statistics International University of Applied Sciences and Technologies, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. 2008-2011